Zoominar COCOA (Converging On Causal Ontology Analyses)

From forces to causal models


COCOA est un "zoominar" mensuel pour les sémanticien.ne.s et celles/ceux à côté de la sémantique, intéressé.e.s à l'utilisation de « causal models » pour la sémantique des phenomènes causaux.  Etudiant.e.s particulièrement bienvenu.e.s. Merci d'écrire à cocoa-info arobase services.cnrs.fr pour le lien zoom.
COCOA is a monthly "zoominar" for semanticists and those semanticist-adjacent who are interested in the use of causal models for the semantics of causal phenomena. Students particularly welcome. Please write to cocoa-info at services.cnrs.fr for the zoom link.
Bridget Copley, SFL (CNRS/Paris 8) - A brief intro to forces
Olga Kagan, Ben-Gurion Univ. of the Negev - Change versus force in the Finnish case system
Bridget Copley, SFL (CNRS/Paris 8) - From force dynamics to causal models